Monday, July 13, 2009

My first blog!!

A little about my little family.

Mike and I have been married for 9 years this coming October. He is an electrician and is on the road Monday thru Friday. Alot of people say 'How do you do it?' When you are a parent, it isn't a choice. Also, Mike has been on the road our whole marriage. We don't know any other way. Our rest time usually involves a four wheeling trip to the mountains. This is our favorite hobby together.
Yes, it is VERY hard at times and I do get sad when I get to experience things that he can't. Like basketball, baseball, breakdancing and all the fun school activities. And sometimes I just get plain wore out! All I can say is...this is my life.....and I love the chaos!

In 2002, we had our first child, Patrick. Spoiled rotten and ALL BOY! He is the kid that makes you ask "God, is this a joke? Have I passed the test yet?". Because, you never know what he will say or do. But, you have to love his innocence and his personality. I can never get on to him without laughing.

Kaylon-Jane was born in 2006. At 3 years old, she is a DRAMA GUEEN! This child truly believes that she is a princess and has yet to meet a mirror she does not like. lol I believe I have created a monster with her. You know the girls in high school that always walk around with their nose in the air and a twitch in their step? The ones that you look and and think...What a snob? Well, welcome Kaylon Jane. lol I hope this will soon pass but as of right now, ask her if she is pretty and your answer shall be "Yep!" with a flip of the hair.

As for me, I am a 29 year old, stay-at-home mom. My life revolves around my family and trying to make it function. We are not you typical family. Like I said before, Mike is on the road which leaves me ....alone...with two wild kids.....monday thru friday. I am very thankful that I get this opportunity to share these precious years with my kids. But, I also have days where I ask myself "What am I doing wrong?", "What is wrong with these kids?". Overall, my life is unorganized and chaotic which makes it interesting to say the least. I have been wanting to post a blog for sometime now and have yet to do so..maybe due to the un-organization skills I have. lol So, I am now going to try to document my crazy life as a mom. To gain insight into the worlds of other moms, working and stay-at-home, and to see how others deal with the everyday challenges parenthood brings. What did your kids do today....or are mine the only ones that do that?